Please note that there will be no classes on ANZAC Day Thursday 25th April 2025 due to the public holiday.

Updating Access to Online Training

We are in the process of updating the manner in which students access our online training material. We are implementing a system where we use the email provided for communication with students to create an online account. Where a parent has more then one child, the access to each child’s level will be provided through their parents account.

Keep an eye out for an email over the next few weeks where we will invite you to set up an account and password. Where students are old enough to require their own access, we will need them to let us know their email address if this is different to the one we have on file.

If you have trouble getting on board, please let us know. One trick we have identified so far is that you may need to refresh you browser in order to gain access to the training material after setting up your account.