Private Lessons

The convenience of private lessons is worth considering if you have a busy schedule or if you would like to progress more rapidly through our syllabus. Provided you have a suitable area at home, we can come to you. Alternatively you can visit us for your own private tuition.

Some people prefer to gain an understanding of the basics before committing to public classes, while others simply want to refine their skills in a detailed manner. Private lessons do result in faster progression due to the individualised attention that can be offered.

We can deliver private lessons in Karate, Tai Chi and Hsing I. Private lessons are typically limited to 30 minutes for children and 1 hour for adults. This time frame has been found to maximise learning uptake is most cases.

The benefit of private lessons is that you receive tuition that is specifically tailored to your needs.

Parents often chose private lessons for their children. The individual tuition ensures a rapid uptake of basic skills that can then be practiced and developed in class.

Please call or email us if you would like to learn more about our private lessons.