your resources
This page contains lessons and information required by those who have achieved their 5th kyu (one brown stripe) and are progressing towards their 4th kyu - second brown stripe. The material below is much of what you will need to know for your next grading. Below that you will find video lessons and In Focus sessions covering a wide range of topics specifically designed for your current level. You are encouraged to keep practicing all your kata and drills regularly.
This kata is required to move to 4th kyu (Green belt with 2 brown stripes). The word Saifa may be interpreted as "tearing". A key theme of this kata is the use of single arm techniques including blacks and strikes. Saifa uses a wide variety of strikes and lends itself to defence against multiple attacks.
This kata is required in order to achieve 5th Kyu - Green Belt 1 Brown Stripe. Tensho is one of two original Goju Kata, the other being Sanchin. Where Sanchin is considered a hard (Go) kata, Tensho highlights softer (Ju) aspects of Goju Karate. The breathing is soft, smooth and short.
Eight Second Kata
The eight second kata is really a drill rather than a kata, but as its name suggest it is short an meant to be done quickly. It is required to attain your 5th kyu grading.
Tenshin ho ju (10 ways of moving into Cat stance)
This kata is required to achieve your 6th kyu or Green Belt. Sanchin is one of two original Goju Kata and is partner to Tensho. This kata highlights the Hard or (Go) aspect of Goju Karate. When performing this kata the entire body is tensed. The only stance is Sanchin Dachi (Hour Glass stance) and name Sanchin Dachi actually comes from this kata. Contolled breathing is also important in this kata. Inhaling represents softness while exhaling represents hardness.
This kata is required to achieve your 7th kyu or Blue Belt with 2 green stripes. This kata is similiar in form to Gekisai dai but focuses on short stances and blocking techniques well suited to defence at close range. Like Gekisai dai, it was developed by Chogun Miyagi in the 1940’s to offer simplified kata designed to consolidate basic techniques.
The name of this kata means “Big Break” and this refers to the large nature of the techniques it teaches. It was developed by Chojun Miyagi who felt that more advanced kata were too difficult to learn for beginners.
Tenshin Ho
The basic movements in Tenshin Ho help develop skills in the 4 main blocks in combination with middle punches and shifting forwards, backwards and sideways .
Kihon is a Japanese word meaning "basics" or "fundamentals. The practice and mastery of kihon is essential for both beginners and advanced students.
Seiza - Formal kneeling position
Heisoku dachi - Inside of feet together
Musubi dachi - Heels touching toes apart
Heiko dachi - Feet side by side and parallel - shoulder width stance
Hachiji Dachi - Open leg stance
Kiba dachi - Feetside by side - toes out slightly shoulder width at heels
Shiko dachi - Horse riding stance
Sanchin dachi - Hour glass stance
Zenkutsu dachi - Lunging stance
Han zenkutsu dachi - Half lunging stance
Neko ashi dachi - Cat stance
Renoji dachi - Comes from the Japanese character Renoji (レ )
Seisan dachi - Natural walking stance
Kosa dachi - Cross over stance (Nufunchi)
Fudo Dachi - Back weighted stance similiar to Kiba dachi , but weight is on the rear leg.